Donald Trump Blames Barack Obama for the White House’s Air Conditioning Issues
Obama, 57, has also previously taken aim at the current president. In October, at a Democratic campaign event in Milwaukee ahead of the midterms, Obama called out Trump’s failure “to take on corruption. Remember that?” he said.
“They have gone to Washington and just plundered away. In Washington, they have racked up enough indictments to field a football team,” Obama continued, before concluding, “Nobody in my administration got indicted.”
A month later — just two days before Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about the Russia investigation after being charged by Mueller — the 44th commander in chief echoed his earlier sentiments stating, “Not only did I not get indicted, nobody in my administration got indicted.”

Obama continued, “By the way, it was the only administration in modern history that that can be said about. In fact, nobody came close to being indicted, probably because the people who joined us were there for the right reasons.”
Most recently, on Saturday, Obama appeared to reference Trump’s recent racist comments attacking four congresswomen of color when he tweeted a Washington Post op-ed written and signed by African-American members of his administration.
The op-ed spoke out against Trump’s tweets earlier this month telling four Democratic congresswomen of color to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came” despite the majority of the women being born in America.
“I’ve always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration,” Obama tweeted. “But more than what we did, I’m proud of how they’re continuing to fight for an America that’s better.”