Atlanta G League affiliate promotes Tori Miller, first female GM in league

The Atlanta Hawks aren’t just talking about progress and giving Black women a chance. They are acting.
The College Park Skyhawks, Atlanta’s G-League affiliate, has promoted Tori Miller to general manager. She is the first female GM in the G-League.
“Just Announced: Tori Miller has been promoted to General Manager of the Skyhawks. Miller’s promotion makes her the first woman to hold the title of General Manager in the history of the @NBAGLeague .
Miller, who grew up in Decatur (a city next to Atlanta), had worked for the team in Erie (when they were the Bayhawks) and followed the team with its move closer to its parent franchise. Miller served as an assistant GM last season before being promoted.
G League front office positions can be a stepping stone into an NBA front office.
The Hawks progressive move comes just as the team’s WNBA franchise, the Dream, has players trying to oust co-owner Kelly Loeffler, a Republican Georgia U.S. Senator, because she advocated against the league supporting Black Lives Matter. Loeffler has said she will not sell. It’s a problem not going away anytime soon.
Atlanta G League affiliate promotes Tori Miller, first female GM in league originally appeared on