T.I. Calls Out Councilwoman Who Wanted Restrictions on ATL Studios
The COVID-19 pandemic has found many states placing stay-at-home orders to curb the spread of coronavirus. However, cities like Atlanta have not followed that path, despite COVID numbers being on the rise. Since then, a councilwoman named Felicia Moore filed an ordinance to restrict recording studios in Atlanta. The ordinance wasn’t related to COVID but called out alleged repeated noise complaints. T.I. wasn’t here for Moore’s move and called her out via Instagram.

T.I. posted a screenshot of an article mentioning Moore’s ordinance and said, “Our Culture Runs This Town Ma’am!! These studios & (& the creatives that work in em) have laid foundation & paved ways to create opportunities for this city like nothing else could. Yeah we might get loud, no we not perfect, but we’ve contributed to this city’s culture & economic growth, consistently…for decades!!! Our contributions to the communities here in this city have gone overlooked far too long.”
He then noted that all the artists and musicians in Atlanta were “making a difference” before the film industry made its way to the city. From there, he asked Moore to “please put some respect on that” before dismissing her with the hashtag “#ByeFelicia.” Take a look above.