warnock and Walker

warnock and Walker

Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker Debate Canceled ?


Georgia Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock and former NFL player Herschel Walker, the Trump-endorsed Republican candidate, have a debate scheduled for Oct. 14 in Savannah, Ga. However, Warnock and Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver also agreed to a debate in Macon, Georgia, but Walker has not confirmed. The debate is now canceled.

According to local sources, the Center for Collaborative Journalism director Debbie Blankenship said in a statement, “The event was intended to provide Central Georgia voters with access to all the candidates before the November 8th election. However, both Warnock and Walker agreed to a debate in Savannah that will be broadcast statewide on Oct. 14. Our partner Georgia Public Broadcasting will also offer voters the opportunity to see Warnock and Oliver debate before a statewide audience on Oct. 16.”

She added, “In light of these other voter access opportunities, Mercer’s Center for Collaborative Journalism and its partners will not move forward with a debate hosting two of the three candidates on the ballot.”

Currently, the debate in Savannah, which is not open to the public, is still moving forward. However, Walker does not appear too confident. On Sept. 16, the Savannah Morning News reported Walker said to a reporter about the debate: “I’m a country boy. I’m not that smart. He’s a preacher. (Warnock) is smart and wears these nice suits. So, he is going to show up and embarrass me at the debate Oct. 14th, and I’m just waiting to show up and I will do my best.”

Walker is also the same person who claimed he graduated in the top 1% of his class at the University of Georgia, which was reportedly a lie.

Early voting in Georgia begins on October 17.

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