Michael Jackson 2

Michael Jackson 2

Michael Jackson’s Son Moves To Stop Grandmother’s Access To Estate Money

There is an ongoing legal battle within the Michael Jackson estate as the icon’s youngest son, Blanket, is butting heads with his grandmother.

The late King of Pop’s mother, Katherine, is being blocked by his son—whose real name is Bigi Jackson—from using the family’s estate to foot her appeal bills.

This comes after the grandmother and grandson lost their case against the executors of Michael’s property.

Blanket recently filed legal documents against his grandmother, imploring the court to stop her from using Michael’s estate money to fund the appeal of a previous ruling.

The “Smooth Criminal” hitmaker’s son explained that he and his grandmother had presented their arguments opposing a deal set up by Michael’s estate executors. Unfortunately, the court ruled against them, and the legal case concluded.

However, Katherine refused to back down without a fight and decided to appeal the ruling — a move Blanket stressed in his legal documents was not in his cards, especially if she wanted his father’s estate to foot the bill.

Like his siblings, Blanket is also an heir to Michael’s estate and has the right to fight against how his late father’s money is spent. In the documents obtained by TMZ, he noted that his grandmother’s appeal has little chance of winning.

Blanket continued raining down on his grandmother’s parade in the legal filing, stressing that her appeal held no merit for the trust’s beneficiaries. Simply put, he doesn’t want Michael’s estate to pay for a case they wouldn’t win.

The youngest of the “Beat It” singer’s brood presumably doesn’t mind the appeal case as long as his grandmother pays for it out of her pocket. On that note, it is possible for Katherine to foot the bill of her appeal case easily.

Before news of Blanket’s case against his grandmother broke, executors of Michael’s estate claimed Katherine had been enjoying a seven-figure allowance for the year — money her grandson probably wanted her to use instead of the estate funds.

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While he wanted no part of the appeal bills, Blanket agreed his grandmother is entitled to part of the attorney’s fees incurred from their legal battle against the executors of Michael’s estate. He asked the court to use its best judgment to grant Katherine a reasonable amount to cover this cost.

Inside The Jacksons Battle Against The Executors Of Michael’s Estate

As stated, the appeal drama began after Blanket and Katherine lost a case against the executors of Michael’s property. The duo joined hands to stop these officials from going through with a huge business deal that they were vehemently against.

It is unclear what business transaction sparked the animosity between the estate executors and Michael’s family, as they actively kept it under wraps throughout the legal saga. However, new reports imply it may be linked to the sale of the late singer’s music catalog.

The estate executors reportedly struck a deal with Sony to sell about half of Michael’s music catalog for $600M. Although Blanket and Katherine failed to win their case, it remains to be seen if this business transaction will proceed without further hiccups.


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