Denzel 2024

Denzel 2024

Denzel Washington Reveals Two More Equalizer Films Are on the Way

Denzel Washington Also Reveals Last Movies Will Be ‘Black Panther 3

In The Equalizer 2, director Antoine Fuqua gave Denzel Washington’s character a new ability he called “Equalizer Vision.” Basically, it allowed Washington’s Robert McCall to instantly find every weapon’s location in a room and know how to use it effectively. The action film made $190 million at the box office. So did The Equalizer 3. Now Washington is using his “Equalizer Vision” to foresee another two films in his future.

“I told them I would do another Equalizer, and we’re doing four and five,” Washington told Esquire in our latest cover story. Many fans believed that Equalizer 3 marked the official finale to the Equalizer trilogy. According to Washington, there’s not just one but two more Equalizers in the works.

“More people are happy about that—people love those daggone Equalizers,” Washington continued. “But I’ve come to realize that the Equalizer films are for me, too, because they’re for the people. They want me to go get the bad guys. ‘We can’t get them, so you go get them.’ And I say, Okay, I’ll get them! Just wait right there. I’ll be right back!”

Denzel Equalizer 4
Denzel Washington Equalizer 4

As Washington is the first to break the news, there’s no word yet on when either Equalizer sequel will premiere in theaters. Audiences can probably bet that Fuqua will return to work on both installments in some capacity. The director left Washington’s character retired at the end of The Equalizer 3—but there’s always another mission to pull our hero back in.

Denzel Washington may be headed toward another Oscar nomination or win for his role in Gladiator II, many are saying, but the 69 year-old actor says that he’s planning to retire after just a few more movies. One of those? Black Panther 3, it turns out. Yes, Denzel Washington will be joining the MCU, however briefly.

In an interview with the Today Show, Denzel revealed that director Ryan Coogler is writing a role for him specifically in Black Panther 3. No, Denzel Washington does not audition for existing roles, don’t be absurd. But we do not know what that role will be, hero, villain, big Marvel character or not. Here is the full list of films that Denzel confirms he will make:

  • Spike Lee’s High N Low
  • Antoine Fuqua’s Hannibal
  • A Steve McQueen movie
  • Black Panther 3
  • An Othello adaptation

Five more movies is certainly enough to probably carry him into his mid-70s so yeah, I think he deserves retirement after that. Though of course we have seen many actors “retire” and come back for some other role or another that appeals to them enough.

As for Black Panther 3, the project has not even been officially confirmed by Marvel yet, though obviously it exists. But it does not have a release date and Marvel’s current MCU film list appears to be pretty solidly mapped out through early 2027. So we may be waiting a while to see this come to fruition

Denzel Panther
Denzel is the next Black Panther

There’s little point speculating on what role Denzel will take within the cast of Black Panther. I’ve heard Blue Marvel, but that’s just speculation. I’m wondering if he wanted to get involved not just because of Coogler, but seeing what great material Angela Bassett was given to work with in the second film, which earned her a Best Supporting Actress nomination at the Oscars, which usually ignores most superhero movies.

We are still waiting to figure out what exactly the plan is for Black Panther as a character going forward. Shuri took up the mantle in the second film, with the tragic death of Chadwick Boseman meaning he could no longer wear the cowl, and T’Challa also died in-universe as well. It was later revealed he had a son no one knew about, and the idea is that perhaps he could grow up and become the new, “final” version of Black Panther in the MCU. Though that would have to be quite the time jump. I would not expect further details on any of this for a good long time.

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